An Alternative Wing Joint and Saddle for the Cloud Tramp


I have attached a picture, received from Pat Seale in Wisconsin, which shows the modifications.

The alteration in point, is that two additional 1/8" ribs are cut and glued to the inside end of each half of the wing. The mating ends of the two half wings are then sanded to a good fit at the correct dihedral angle and glued together.

Offcuts from the ribs are glued to the top surface of the wing about 3/8" from the centreline, then planed or sanded flat to take a 1/16 platform which of course abuts the mounting pieces on the motor stick. The required incidence can be built in to the saddle, or the 1/8" sheet incidence block indicated on the plan can be glued to the trailing edge end.

This modification also helps to avoid warps that can very easily creep into a flat, flexible surface.

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